I’m New

Everyone is Welcome at Buchanan Baptist Church.

Welcome to Buchanan Baptist Church

We are a family oriented church who enjoys fellowship with one another and graciously welcomes you to come and experience what God has given us. Our doors are open to all who would like to come and worship the Lord together.

What to Expect

Below you will find some quick information to help you get to know a little bit about us. If you have any questions,
comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Arrival Time

Many people arrive 30 minutes early. There is coffee and many of our members enjoy a few minutes of socializing before our services start.

What to Wear

From flip-flops to suits, we have it all. Be relaxed or dress up, we're just happy to see you.

Worship Style

Congregational participating Contemporary and Traditional Hymn Music.

Teaching Style

Each service and Sunday school class shares a Biblically-focused message. We love to learn.

Worship Times


9:45 AM – Sunday School
11:00 AM – Morning Worship Service
11:00 AM – Junior Church
6:00 PM – Evening Worship Service


7:00 PM – Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Coming Up at Buchanan Baptist Church